Hey Steve,
I knew rather early in my comedy career that the corporate route would suit me best. I started comedy after I retired, I only work clean, and I am not interested in sleeping on the couch of some comedy condo. Not to mention the enormous difference in pay between lower paying comedy clubs and much higher paying corporate gigs.
I have personally seen what comedy clubs pay and what corporate can pay for the exact same act. No comparison.
Your Killer Stand-up Comedy System and the Corporate Comedy Secrets convinced me I could develop a corporate career. My second year of stand-up I was able to perform over 70 paid, non-comedy club gigs.
I figure I would still be doing 5 minutes open mics, for free, in front of an audience of mostly comedians if I had gone the traditional route.
Thanks man,
LTC. Bob Moher (USAR, Ret.)
Founder of Door To Door Comedy